Feel Good Founders ™️

A supportive 6 month programme for female founders - to readjust your life and business before you burn-out. This programme will show you how to take a radically different approach - to run your business in harmony with who you are, and your current season of life.
Next cohort begins: Tues 25th March 2025

Did you know that 75% of founders experience occasional or frequent burnout, 48% struggle with the high expectations of being a business owner, 44% experience high stress, and 37% experience anxiety?
If you’re a female business owner who loves your business and the work you do, who has poured yourself, your time, energy and money into your business in recent years and you’ve sacrificed you and your wellbeing in order to do so, then you’re not alone.
Maybe you’re juggling family, caring, conflicting demands, perimenopause or other health issues which have left you exhausted. There’s simply not much time left to take care of you and do the things you know keep you physically and mentally well.
In the last 10 years there has been a surge of women, like you, who have left the corporate world and set up their own businesses as female founders. The reasons for this cultural and economic shift are far reaching but put simply, many women found that the corporate world couldn’t give them what they needed, so they set out on their own path.
Women aren’t giving up their ambitions, they’ve thrown themselves into their businesses to follow their passions and find the flexibility and freedom they were looking for.
But for many women this has come at a personal cost…
You left the corporate world to do your own thing, to have more freedom and flexibility, and get out of the box you no longer fit into. You set out with an ambition to do more of the work you love, less of the work you don’t, to have full autonomy and to be more you. But you’re still you, your old habits have followed and the way you’re working isn’t working. You know it's time to readjust and make this work for you before you burn-out and have to give up your precious business which you’ve worked so hard to get to the point it’s at.
You're always switched on, always thinking about your business. The mental load is real.
You’re wondering how you can continue, owning the uncertainty and risk of being a business owner, and also easing the mental and emotional burden the journey takes…
Is this you?
You’ve followed your dreams at the expense of your wellbeing - you’re overwhelmed and regularly feel you’re on the edge of burnout
You procrastinate and don’t make the most efficient use of your time
You’re a crap boss to yourself - in the corporate world you wanted to work for a supportive and compassionate leader, but you’re not being that person for yourself
Your creative ideas aren’t coming when you need them
You have so much to offer; your experience, strengths, talents, passion, drive and determination. This is what people come to you for. But underneath it all you’re struggling with people pleasing, perfectionism and lack of boundaries
You expect too much from yourself, you doubt yourself, imposter syndrome rears its head often, your inner critic can be LOUD and mean, and you really struggle to put yourself first
You’re too exhausted for self-care at the end of the day
You know what you need to do to look after yourself, you're just not doing it. You’re into self-development so you’ve read the books, listened to the podcasts, you even help other people with this stuff. But there's a part of you that ignores and overrides your basic needs in favour of just keeping going
The irony is, you also know that when don’t look after yourself, you get anxious and overwhelmed, you feel like you’re not coping very well, and your inner critic gets louder and meaner. A vicious cycle
You work sporadic hours - yes in theory it’s flexible, you can pick and choose when you work and when you don’t, and you can be there for school pickups and plays, you love not having to put requests in for annual leave, but it’s not consistent - some weeks you wonder how school pickup time has come round so quickly, and some weeks you’re logged on late into the evening or at weekend
Your mind is always switched on, you’re not as present as you want to be with your family
You’re struggling to make confident decisions

There’s so much support out there for business, marketing and strategy, but it’s the emotional and psychological support you’re missing. Your emotional and psychological state is the biggest contributor to your businesses success. The magic is that focusing on this means your business thrives as a result.

Drop your shoulders, breathe, and take a pause
Having a business that supports your wellbeing rather than depleting it
Feeling energised, joyful and excited about your business again
Feeling revitalised and getting your spark back
Feeling more confident in your decision making
Trusting yourself in your business
Reconnecting with yourself, your mission and purpose
Feeling creatively inspired again
Making money in a way that is easeful for you
Taking the heavy burden of guilt, musts and shoulds off your back
Having more S P A C E - in your work-week, in your head, in your schedule,in your life
Being able to fully enjoy your life and work
Prioritising your wellbeing will be the best business decision you ever make.
This programme will support you to take a radically different approach, even if you can’t imagine that yet and don’t know how you’ll get started.
This isn’t just about self-care (though we’ll definitely cover that), it’s about transforming your life and business. In this programme I will help you shift your mindset and change your outlook. I’ll support you to let go of your conditioning and fiercely put you and your wellbeing front and centre.

"Feel Good Founders has really helped me put myself first and understand that I am not a machine! I am human, I need to look after myself so I can run the business I love with good energy and have quality time with family and friends.
I’ve learned to truly listen to my needs, be more flexible, and work with my own energy and cycles which has been a game-changer! I’ve had so many lightbulb moments and am making much better lifestyle choices. I’m looking after myself, eating better and making more time for things that make me happy.
I’m more lighthearted, enjoying more fun and family time, and no longer defaulting to work constantly. After years of living in a stress state, I finally know how to step back when needed. This programme has truly changed how I approach my work, wellbeing, and life."
~ Lynsay, Feel Good Founder
This is for you if...
You’re a solo business owner who has been in business for 2+ years and you want to run your business in harmony with who you are, and your current season of life
You're a Female: Founder, Entrepreneur, Business Owner, Freelancer or Side Hustler
You're a senior leader in a business who wants to take a different approach to your job so that it supports rather than depletes your wellbeing (this program is just as applicable to senior leaders in organisations as it is to solopreneurs/business owners)
Maybe you’ve had some financial success, or maybe you’re not yet making what you’d hoped - either way with the amount of time and energy you’re expending, you’re questioning if it’s actually worth it
You love your business and the work you do, you put so much time and effort into your client work and trying to make your business profitable, but it’s at the expense of your own wellbeing
Time for you is limited, you somehow end up being at the bottom of your priority list
You often wonder if you should give up the emotional and financial roller coaster. Your hopes and dreams feel in the balance but you really believe in what you do and you’d love to make it work better for you
It IS possible to feel joy, connection and balance in your business journey
It is possible to make empowered choices and be the leader you and your business needs
Now you've been in business a couple of years and you've invested so much time, energy and money in making it work, it's come at the expense of your own wellbeing. I'm going to help you figure out what your ideal work-life blend looks and feels like, being really honest about what's possible for you in your current reality/season of life, and how to be the compassionate self-leader your business needs so that you can make this work for the long term. This programme is dedicated time for you, every month to pause, step off the treadmill for a while and recalibrate. It's your place to come and take off that heavy load you're carrying, take off the mask you show to the world and take a deep breath. I'll teach you about key concepts such as self-leadership, working with your nervous system, understanding your own personal seasons and cycles and how they affect you and your business, nurturing your mind and body from the inside out, different ways to manage your energy and productivity, and burnout prevention. These are important skills, habits and behaviours that you can use long after the programme has ended. I'll hold a safe and nurturing space for you to be seen, heard, validated, learn and actually put into place healthier habits and coping mechanisms. I’ll shine a light for you and will gently hold you accountable. We’ll work together to meet you exactly where you’re at and we’ll build from there. The community aspect to the group programme means you’ll connect with other women in a similar position. We’ll be there for each other, cheer each other on, share the highs and lows of the journey and build each other up. Together we’ll make the entrepreneurial journey more human. I'll also share monthly ideas, inspiration, practices, rituals, recipes, guided meditations and guest speaker sessions for you to access at your own pace. Your to-do list will always be there, your sanity won't. In the corporate days you wanted to work for an inspiring and caring leader who you could trust and who had your back. Who understood that life comes first and work comes second. It’s time to be that leader for yourself…it’s time to do business differently.
Monthly group coaching
Over 6 months we’ll explore 6 different themes, each one building on the last.
Sessions will start with a guided breathwork or meditation practice to help you feel calm and grounded, a check-in on how you are, some teaching from me about the topic for that month, followed by group coaching so you can apply the learning to you personally. You can expect encouragement, inspiration, guidance and accountability.
You’re going to learn about:
Month 1: Welcome, intention setting and reconnecting to your feel good business vision
Month 2: Feel Good Founder principles
Month 3: Understanding your energy and productivity cycles
Month 4: Founder pitfalls and how to manage them
Month 5: Building habits for success
Month 6: Developing your inner-leader and moving forward
Feel Good Founder Workshops
As well as the monthly group coaching sessions there’ll be workshops (some live, some recorded) where either myself or a trusted partner will deliver a session on additional topics to help you thrive. The exact workshop topics will vary (TBC for September) but you can expect things like: ~ Marketing that feels good ~ Nutrition ~ Seasonal Wellbeing ~ Yoga & Meditation ~ Positive Psychology approach to Productivity ~ Systems and processes for success You will also have access to recordings of workshops from previous cohorts of the programme in the Resource Library so you will have access to every workshop topic we've ever covered! ~ Member site When you join, you’ll get access to the member site where you’ll be able to access a wealth of learning materials and resources to get you started. Each month there’ll be new resources released to support you through the 6 month journey. You’ll find workbooks, activities, recipe ideas, guided meditations, breathwork exercises, self-care inspiration and other tips, tricks and ideas. ~ Community A place where members can come, learn, share, give and receive support

‘Feel Good Founders has helped me to create new healthier habits. I now exercise 3 times a week, it’s non negotiable time in the diary - something I have never managed to make it a habit in 45 years! I’m eating much better and making better, healthier choices.
I’ve reframed my approach to rest, allowing myself more time for stillness and self-acceptance. I loved having our group sessions blocked out in my diary as I don’t manage to find the time for grounding or meditation otherwise.
I would recommend the programme to any female founder looking for a haven of calm, support and inspiration about how they can feel more grounded in their work and support their wellbeing.’
~ Sarah, Feel Good Founder

I’m walking alongside you on this journey. I myself am a female founder with young kids with complex needs. I know how challenging it can be to grow a business you love, build in the flexibility you need to be the parent you want and need to be, and to prioritise your wellbeing. I have almost 20 years professional experience as a learning consultant and coach, and I’ve been through burnout in the past. I have amassed a wealth of knowledge on how to keep myself well on the founder roller coaster, and help other people with this.
I work no more than 20-25 hours a week, I take the majority of school holidays off, I’ve matched my old corporate salary and I have plenty of time and space for rest, nourishment, nature and joy, during the day each week.
I’ve built my business around mine and my family’s wellbeing and our current season of life - meaning I’m there for my kids, I share drop offs and pickups with my husband and we don’t use wrap around school care. One of my kids is neurodiverse and needs more support and care than your average kid of the same age. I have flexibility in my work day to be there when needed, to attend school meetings and trips, to start work late if it’s been a tricky morning and I need to tend to our nervous systems.
This programme is different from any other business programme out there, the focus is on you and not your business, but the magic is that your business will thrive as a result. Your emotional and psychological state is the biggest contributor to your businesses success. In order to thrive you need a really strong foundation in yourself.
In this programme I weave together self-leadership, positive psychology, mindset, seasonal living, nature connection, your own personal seasons and cycles of life, energy management, working with your nervous system - as well as helping you with imposter syndrome, people pleasing, boundaries, anti-burnout tactics and support with the other things that are holding you back.
With this knowledge you’ll be able to do less, not more, and focus on the things that really matter.
To bring more ease, joy, simplicity and space.
You won't find everything that's included in this programme anywhere else. It's a culmination of my many years of professional experience, my qualifications and my personal lived experience.

I'm going to be bold here. I'm really good at what I do. I firmly believe my offer is unique and offers a huge return on your investment through the transformation I'll provide. I've supported hundreds of clients to understand themselves deeply, be the best they can be, achieve personal and professional dreams and goals, whilst prioritising themselves and finding time for balance, rest and enjoyment. I’ve been working as a qualified professional coach for 10 years and I’ve been in the corporate world a lot longer (20 years). My background in Human Resources, Recruitment and Learning & Development brings a wealth of experience and knowledge in how to help people grow, develop, reach their potential and set themselves achievable and sustainable goals. The combination of: ~ my lived experience and in-depth knowledge of wellbeing, seasonal living and personal development ~ my 20 year career in educating and coaching people in the corporate world to be their best ~ the leadership positions I have held in the corporate world - growing, developing, inspiring and motivating talented teams ~ the extensive coaching qualifications, training and CPD I have undertaken. I have completed an ILM5 qualification in Coaching and Mentoring, an ILM7 qualification in Executive and Leadership Coaching which is the highest level of coaching qualification you can get ~ I also have qualifications in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (at master practitioner level), positive psychology, psychometrics, a Chartered Institute of Personnel Development higher diploma, and a BSc Hons degree in Business and Human Resource Management ~ My coaching accreditation with the EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council) at Senior Practitioner level which recognises my in-depth qualifications and the many hours of coaching practice I have undertaken. This is renewed and revalidated annually. My personal values are: Deep connection - to myself, to others and to nature Growth - supporting myself and others to learn, develop, gain knowledge and be inspired Wellbeing - supporting myself and others to nourish our mind, body & spirit, find joy, balance and a sense of wellbeing, feeling content, healthy, self-assured and confident Achievement - living a meaningful life, redefining my own version of success, aligning my life and business to my values and helping others to do the same Adventure - trying new things, being curious, having fun, creativity, willingness to take risks, being courageous, freedom and autonomy My strengths are: Kindness, nurturing, curiosity, compassion, calmness, deep listening, encouraging, positive, supportive, gently challenging, intuitive & thoughtful My passions are: Supporting, guiding and inspiring others to find their own version of fulfilment and joy, using seasonal living and nature to boost our health and wellbeing and guide us through the seasons of our own lives This powerful blend gives me what I call my superpowers. My magic. And I bring all of this all to my clients through the work I do.

A welcome gift
A pre-coaching questionnaire and wellbeing audit, giving you immediate feedback on the areas of focus for you
6 x monthly group coaching sessions (delivered live, recorded and added to the members area to watch back)
6 x monthly Feel Good Founder workshops
Lifetime access to the members area with resources, workbooks, videos and guidance to work through at your own pace
Additional monthly resources released to support you through the 6 month journey. You’ll find workbooks, activities, recipe ideas, guided meditations, breathwork exercises, self-care inspiration and other tips, tricks and ideas
Lifetime access to an online community where members will be supported, guided, share challenges, progress and cheer each other on
PRICE - £150 per month
or £900 if paid in full
* Optional add-ons: additional 1:1 coaching sessions can be purchased ad-hoc.

"I have so much more space and clarity now. I’m going with my own energy, being spontaneous and spending quality time with family, even painting again after years.
What once seemed impossible—stepping back from my CEO role—now feels achievable. I’m reframing retirement as rewirement! It’s the start of an exciting new phase."
~ Elva, Feel Good Founder

If your current business path doesn't bring you peace, doesn't make you come alive, and doesn't fill you with the excitement, joy or fulfilment you're looking for, it's time to connect with your own unique ideas of how you want to work and live, and to forge a new path. I’ll be with you every step of the way.
If you’re sat there wanting to say yes but you're struggling to allow yourself to prioritise this for yourself and for your business, let me tell you this…
I wholeheartedly believe that by putting ourselves first and prioritising our wellbeing, the benefits ripple out into all areas of our lives and enable us to operate at a higher level.
The best functioning version of yourself will be more creative, more adventurous and make better decisions. You’ll be more successful and have the ability to make more money.
Without you, there is no business.
Prioritising your wellbeing will be the best commercial decision you ever make.
If you’d like to chat and ask me any other questions you have, you can book in a 30 minute discovery call below.